Let Our Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Fight to Protect Your Rights After an Accident

Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Allow Our Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help You Recover Your Losses

When a motorcycle accident occurs, the losses can be devastating. You’re faced with medical bills, lost time and work, and the need to engage in long-term rehab. When this happens, you may be owed compensation for your losses. Our legal team at Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm can provide you with the guidance and support you need. Let our team provide you with exceptional support, including accurate, clear insight into your legal options.

With the help of Concord motorcycle accident attorneys, you may be able to get all of your financial losses covered. While this does not take away the pain that you feel or the loss of your ability to enjoy life, it does help you to get back on track. Allow our team at Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm to guide you.

To get started, book a consultation with our Concord, NC, motorcycle accident lawyers now. We’re ready to support you through this case.

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Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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How Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Concord, NC, Can Help You

As you face your current situation, know that you are not alone. We will work tirelessly to help you to get the compensation owed to you. To do that, we will strive to provide you with exceptional support throughout the legal process. We know any personal injury matter can be complex, but we work hard to ensure your needs are always met.

Among the services you can expect from our motorcycle accident attorney in Concord are:

  • Gathering all of the evidence possible to prove your rights and losses
  • Reviewing all of your police reports and evidence to create a legal strategy
  • Calculating the losses you have suffered
  • Interviewing witnesses when it is necessary to do so
  • Talking to your doctor about your injuries.

No matter what your legal situation is, we will work to prove that you deserve compensation for them. We encourage you to set up a free consultation with our team by calling 704-377-3770 now. There is no risk in talking to our team, but you will learn about your legal options.

Why Choose Us?

At Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm, we understand what you’re facing because we’ve helped many clients go through similar battles. Our motorcycle accident attorney in Concord will work closely with you to ensure all of your needs are met throughout this process. Consider why clients turn to us:

  • We Get Results: Take a look at our case results, including a $950,000 motorcycle accident case recovery. When you do, you will quickly see just how dedicated we are to pursuing these claims. We know they matter to you, and we work closely with you to ensure you get the compensation owed to you.
  • Our Experience: Our attorneys, Richard Anderson and Mark Sumwalt, are dedicated professionals with a solid reputation. Learn about them and their passion for helping those in need.
  • Our Dedication: When you choose to work with a Concord, NC, motorcycle accident lawyer from Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm, you will be treated with respect and compassion. We also will passionately fight to protect your rights.

Let Us Help You Recover Your Losses

Work with our motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC, to get the compensation owed to you. Our goal is to verify what occurred in your accident and then get as much detail as possible about what caused the problem. We will then work with you to determine what your losses were. There are likely to be some losses that you may not have taken into consideration. Here are a few of the types of losses we will look for:

  • Medical bills: A settlement regarding your medical costs related to the injuries you suffered in the accident should account for any emergency care you required, hospitalization, surgeries, physical therapy, and other medical costs. The award we will seek should compensate you for your actual medical expenses up to the time you agree to the settlement, as well as for an estimate of any medical costs you will have in the future.
  • Lost wages: If you cannot work because of the injuries you suffered in the motorcycle crash, you can receive an award that reimburses you for any income you were unable to earn. If you cannot work in the future or if you need to work fewer hours, a calculation of this amount can be part of the settlement, too.
  • Pain and suffering: The pain and suffering judgment after a motorcycle crash that was not your fault can include payment for things like reduced quality of life, disfiguring or disabling injuries you suffered, emotional trauma, nightmares, depression, and an inability to participate in the activities you enjoyed before the accident. This pain and suffering part of the settlement is the trickiest one to negotiate, because it doesn’t involve fixed amounts. Our team’s experience in this area can provide a significant benefit to you.

You don’t have to guess what your claims may be. Let our team help determine what they are. Let our motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC, consider all of your claims, including long-term pain and suffering.

Our Concord motorcycle accident lawyers are committed to working closely with you to ensure your best outcome. Do not put off getting the care you need in a case like this. Contact us at 206-741-1051 today for a free review of your case. You are under no obligation to hire us after this review.

Why Do You Need a Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

You’re facing a lot after an accident. It can be very hard to know what your rights are, especially when you have so many people working against you. Why choose to work with Concord motorcycle accident lawyers?

First, our goal is to determine whether you have a case. To do that, we want to consider who is at fault in the accident. We’ll examine all information to determine this. At Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm, we want to have a full understanding of what has occurred. That’s why we offer a free initial consultation to help determine right away where your case stands.

Then, we want to have a good idea of what you have suffered in the case. Each of our clients is faced with different types of losses. That could include lots of medical bills and even ongoing costs for rehab. Some also qualify for pain and suffering.

We then create a legal strategy to address your needs. Every situation is different, but your Concord, NC, motorcycle accident attorney will work hard to prove your case.

Concord, NC, Motorcycle Accident FAQs

You may have many questions about your rights after a motorcycle accident. There is no better person to turn to than our Concord, NC, motorcycle accident attorney. Here are some common questions, but remember you can always contact us for a free consultation for personalized answers.

What if I don’t know if I have a case?

It’s not uncommon for our clients to find themselves unsure about whether they should pursue a case. Yet, there is very real reason to do so. When you contact our attorney, we will work to gather evidence to determine what compensation you may qualify for and how we could get it. You’ll know that you have options at that point.

How do I know I can trust motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC?

There’s no reason not to trust our motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC. We do not receive compensation for the work we do unless we win your case. Also, our years of experience and record of success can help to prove you can depend on us.

Can’t I just settle my case with the insurance company?

You could do this, but that does not mean you will get anywhere near the compensation you may be owed. Insurance companies work hard to reduce the amount they pay out, leaving you without the compensation you deserve. Let our motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC, help you overcome that challenge.

Do you guarantee that I will win my case?

There is no way to guarantee results – and any law firm that makes a guarantee is not being honest with you. However, we will treat you with respect and work to the best of our ability to ensure you get all compensation owed to you. When you meet with us, we’ll provide you with a fair and usually very accurate description of what you can expect.

How long do I have to file a case for a motorcycle accident?

You have 3 years from the date of the accident, in most cases, to file your claim. Do not wait that long to take action. It can take some time for us to develop a legal case for you. At the same time, even if you think the deadline has passed, we encourage you to reach out to us for any help we can offer.

How much will I get for my motorcycle accident case in North Carolina?

Our motorcycle accident lawyers in Concord, NC, will work carefully with you to determine all of your losses. Once we do that, we will then seek out compensation from the insurer or other responsible party. The amount you end up with really depends on the details of your case and the outcome of our negotiations for you, though it can also reflect what was paid in cases similar to yours.

Can I also file for workers’ comp if I had an accident at work

If part of your work duties involves riding a bike and you have an accident, there’s a chance you might be able to file a lawsuit for personal injury as well as workers comp. These types of cases are rare, but our workers’ comp attorneys in Concord will explore your options and let you know if you can pursue both claims.

These FAQs are just a bit of information we can offer to you. For comprehensive information, set up a consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney in Concord to help you.

millionRecovered on behalf of a gentleman (plaintiff/client) who was working as a vinyl window installer on a metal ladder when the ladder struck a live electrical wire. Learn more.
millionRecovered negotiated on the behalf of our client who was rendered a paraplegic due to a spinal fracture after falling from a roof in the course and scope of his employment as a construction worker. Learn more.
millionRecovered for a construction worker from Texas who suffered a catastrophic spinal cord injury following a fall from a roof while working on a job site in Charlotte, NC. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of our client who sustained a spinal cord injury in the course and scope of his employment as a production worker in a manufacturing plant. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of the gentlemen (plaintiff/client) who sustained an injury when he slipped and fell on an icy ramp during his employment. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of a client who was injured in the course and scope of her employment as a nurse when attacked by a patient. Learn more.

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Law Firm in Charlotte NC

Contact Sumwalt Anderson for a Free Consultation

Once you choose to hire our Concord motorcycle accident lawyers, we will be ready to begin working on your case immediately. We will take over the negotiations and discussions with the insurance company for you. This gives you more time to focus on your recovery. You can be certain that we will keep you informed every step of the way. Although we will provide advice on how we think your claim should proceed, the final decision on each step we take will be yours.

For a free review of your case, contact our Concord motorcycle accident lawyers today. We will treat you and your family with the compassion and professionalism that you deserve. Call us at (704) 377-3770.