Our Practice Areas


Injuries are often the result of unexpected accidents. When those accidents are caused by the negligent actions of another party, our Charlotte, NC, attorneys can help to hold them responsible. We can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Injuries caused by accidents may require an emergency room visit and follow-up care. They may affect your ability to do your job, both in the near term and sometimes for the foreseeable future. You may be entitled to a financial award to help pay your expenses, including physician bills, medicine, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. Our personal injury attorneys will leverage their experience to ensure you are adequately compensated.

Personal Injury Practice Area


On-the-job injuries are commonplace. If you were hurt at work, or have an illness or disease related to your job, we have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the workers’ compensation system.

An on-the-job injury can be an unsettling event. We have helped injured workers navigate the workers’ compensation system for over 75 years. Whether it is helping to collect benefits for being out of work, permanent injury, or medical treatment, the attorneys at Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm have the knowledge and experience to guide you through your workers’ compensation claim.

Workers Compensation Practice Area


If you or someone you love suffered a serious work injury, part of your workers’ compensation benefits may cover the costs of a caregiver to help you with your daily needs while you recover from your injuries.  Our experienced attorneys have a long and well respected track record in North Carolina attendant care law; we can help you with your legal claims, the results of which can affect the quality of your life.

Paid for by workers’ compensation insurance companies, attendant care services are vital to those who require extensive daily care. That said, these services tend to be incredibly expensive. Your insurance company will likely not pay them voluntarily. At Sumwalt Anderson, our attorneys understand the ins and outs of workers’ compensation law as it applies to attendant care services. We can help you obtain compensation to pay for the services to which you are entitled.

Attendant Care Services


If you or someone you know has lost a family member through the fault or negligence of another person, you may be able to file a claim for wrongful death. We can assist you in navigating your wrongful death lawsuit.

In instances when an injury caused by the fault or negligence of another individual or entity results in death, surviving family members of the deceased may have a wrongful death claim or survival action. These claims allow the family of the deceased the opportunity to recover damages in connection with the loss of their loved one.

Wrongful Death Practice Area


The attorneys at Sumwalt Anderson are ready to help you navigate the often-complicated car accident claims process. We handle all communications and negotiations on your behalf.

Insurance companies do not protect your best interests — they protect their bottom line.  They will try their very best to convince you to accept the lowest possible settlement. Our car accident lawyers are experienced negotiators. We will serve as your representative and manage all communication on your behalf. Working with us helps ensure that your settlement is appropriate.

Car Accident Practice Area


Motorcycle accidents often result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries. If you or someone you love has been the victim of another’s negligence while riding a motorcycle, our experienced professionals can help.

The experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Sumwalt Anderson can help ensure that you are adequately compensated for your injuries, including broken bones, neck and back issues, and road rash, as well as damages to your bike.  We will aggressively negotiate for all appropriate damages, including, where appropriate, pain and suffering.

Motorcycle Accident Practice Area


In a vehicle crash, smaller vehicles are no match for a big truck like an 18-wheeler, and the consequences can be major injuries such as head, back, neck, brain and spinal cord damage, and paralysis, amputations, broken bones, and increased risk of fatalities. 

Truck accidents not only cause these catastrophic injuries but involve complications that make it essential to work with an attorney skilled in negotiating a fair settlement. There are state and federal trucking regulations that come into play, and there may be multiple liable parties in addition to the truck driver that must be identified, as they may all have insurance and assets.  When you hire our Sumwalt Anderson attorneys, we will get to work immediately to do whatever is necessary to help you win your case and get optimum compensation. 

Truck Accident Practice Area


The effects of traumatic brain injury are numerous, some more serious than others. Our attorneys are well-versed in handling cases where these injuries are both incredibly obvious and at times more subtle.

Our brain injury attorneys are experienced in negotiating and litigating these important cases. We work closely with medical professionals who can help explain your symptoms in easy-to-understand language, so others appreciate the impact of your injury. We will work tirelessly on your behalf, providing you with the support you need.

Brain Injury Practice Area


Spinal cord injuries can be the result of anything from a devastating car crash to a broad range of accidents and falls. If you or somebody for whom you care is suffering from a spinal cord injury as a result of another’s negligent behavior, our personal injury attorneys can provide advice and counsel on the situation.

These catastrophic injuries can change both the course of your life and the lives of those who love and care for you. Our knowledgeable spinal cord injury attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf, leveraging all of their experience and professional contacts, to make sure your expenses are accurately quantified and your pain and suffering clearly illustrated. We manage the entire legal process and help you prepare for your future.

Spinal Injury Practice Area

millionRecovered on behalf of a gentleman (plaintiff/client) who was working as a vinyl window installer on a metal ladder when the ladder struck a live electrical wire. Learn more.
millionRecovered negotiated on the behalf of our client who was rendered a paraplegic due to a spinal fracture after falling from a roof in the course and scope of his employment as a construction worker. Learn more.
millionRecovered for a construction worker from Texas who suffered a catastrophic spinal cord injury following a fall from a roof while working on a job site in Charlotte, NC. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of our client who sustained a spinal cord injury in the course and scope of his employment as a production worker in a manufacturing plant. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of the gentlemen (plaintiff/client) who sustained an injury when he slipped and fell on an icy ramp during his employment. Learn more.
millionRecovered on behalf of a client who was injured in the course and scope of her employment as a nurse when attacked by a patient. Learn more.

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Law Firm in Charlotte NC