Mooresville Workers’ Comp Lawyers

Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Based in Mooresville Can Help You With Your Claim

You expect your employer to assist you with your recuperation and the filing of a workers’ compensation claim when you are injured at work. Your employer, on the other hand, may try to prevent you from filing a workers’ compensation claim by claiming that your injury was your fault rather than work-related.

When this happens, consider hiring one of our Mooresville workers’ compensation attorneys to defend you. We are familiar with North Carolina’s workers’ compensation legislation. When confronted with difficult conditions or events, we do not back down. Allow the Mooresville workers’ compensation lawyers at Sumwalt Anderson to represent you in your claim. For a free consultation, give us a call today.

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Mooresville Workers’ Comp Lawyers

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How Our Mooresville, NC, Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Can Help With Your Case

When it Comes to Serious Injuries That Result in Disability, a Workers’ Comp Attorney is an Absolute Necessity

Accidents happen all the time at work. A bruised finger from an accident or a pulled back muscle from moving large crates are instances of typical minor injuries. Extremely catastrophic injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal injuries that result in permanent impairment, are, on the other hand, completely transformative. Workers who are injured on the job can seek compensation for their injuries, including medical costs and lost earnings, with the help of a workers’ compensation attorney.

Workers’ compensation regulations allow injured workers to obtain a variety of benefits, depending on the nature of the damage. Permanent complete or partial disability payments, temporary partial disability benefits, medical benefits, and salary reimbursement are all available to persons who have suffered a brain or spinal injury or other injury resulting in medical bills and loss of income.

A workers’ compensation lawyer’s ultimate mission in representing a client is to help that individual achieve benefits. A workers’ compensation lawyer’s first responsibilities often involve acquiring medical evidence and medical records, as well as taking depositions from the claimant, physicians, medical experts, and other parties. An attorney will also conduct discovery, do legal research, stay up to date on legal developments, create pleadings and other legal papers, and litigate cases in front of a court or referee. A lot of work goes into representing an individual who has been injured on the job– which is all more the reason to seek the assistance of a workers’ comp attorney.

One of the most common reasons workers’ compensation claims fail is a lack of solid and detailed medical proof, and it is a vital role of an attorney to avoid this. You may not believe you have a case or that you require the services of a workers’ compensation attorney in Mooresville, NC. Consider all the scenarios in which a lawyer is required. Problems may arise if your employer refuses to acknowledge that your injury occurred at work or was caused by your employment requirements. A worker’s compensation lawyer can show that your injury was caused by your job. In some cases, you might be worried about how your pay loss benefits are calculated. If you don’t have coverage for all of your medical expenses, you’re required to pay a deductible, or any of your costs aren’t covered, erroneous calculations may result in your receiving less wage loss benefits than you deserve. A workers’ compensation lawyer can assist you in obtaining the funds you require to pay for necessary medical care.

How Can an Attorney Help Me After a Brain or Spinal Injury on The Job?

If You’ve Been Injured While on the Job and are Disabled as a Result, You’re Not Alone.

Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to meet the medical needs of employees injured on the job. Workers’ compensation insurance can also aid with rehabilitation, lost earnings, and other expenditures for injured workers.

In North Carolina, all companies with three or more employees are obliged to carry workers’ compensation coverage. This is a no-fault system in which an injured worker is entitled to benefits regardless of who caused the workplace mishap.

If the wounded worker meets the qualifying standards, even a job-related disease qualifies him or her to medical benefits. It is critical for an employee to get legal advice from a Mooresville, NC, workers’ compensation attorney so as not to miss out on benefits they are owed.

Both the employee and the business gain from the workers’ compensation system. In the case of an accident, it safeguards both of them. Because it is no-fault insurance, the claim is processed according to federal and state norms, which protect the company from litigation while also preventing the worker from having to sue his or her employer. Your Mooresville, NC, workers’ compensation lawyer can assist you with your claim, including determining what benefits you should pursue, calculating the money you are due, and even locating a skilled doctor who is knowledgeable about workers’ compensation injuries and claims.

With decades of combined experience, we at Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm are seasoned workers’ compensation attorneys that promote the rights of North Carolina employees. We will thoroughly investigate your specific employment legal difficulties in order to assist you in receiving the compensation you deserve.

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Why Choose Sumwalt Anderson For Your Workers’ Comp Case?

We’ve used a variety of tactics to aid our clients with their workers’ compensation claims throughout the years. Our workers’ comp lawyers in Mooresville recognize that every case is unique, and we understand that using a one-size-fits-all approach to workers’ compensation is not the greatest method to provide the best service to our customers.

Your employer may try to dismiss your claim by claiming that you are not officially an employee. If you are a juvenile, an illegal worker, or an independent contractor at the time of your accident, the procedure of submitting a claim is substantially hampered. The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act 97-19 governs the operation of workers’ compensation insurance for contractors, subcontractors, and other similar workers. Attorneys Mark T. Sumwalt and Richard Anderson of Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm are here to determine whether or not you fit into the definition of “employee”.

We have the experience and drive to win your case. Both Mark and Richard have won some significantly notable cases, one of which impacted North Carolina law. Additionally, they will also provide other types of services if necessary. For instance, you might need the help of our Mooresville car accident lawyers if you had a motor vehicle accident while working or, in the unfortunate case of losing a loved one, a Mooresville wrongful death attorney.

The firm has won millions of dollars for injured clients. One individual who was involved in an automobile accident with a large commercial vehicle was represented by Sumwalt Anderson and recovered $9,000,000 in compensation. Another Sumwalt Anderson client was injured in a battery explosion while working for a trucking company and was awarded $5,257,000.

When your employment status is in doubt, our Mooresville workers’ compensation attorneys are ready to protect your rights. We know how to go into the details of your case to demonstrate why you are entitled to workers’ compensation insurance benefits for your medical costs and lost earnings. Get in touch with the team at Sumwalt Anderson Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation with a Mooresville, NC, workers’ comp lawyer.


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