Workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to North Carolinians who are injured or become ill due to their jobs. Generally, companies with three or more employees are required to carry it. For qualifying employees, workers’ comp pays for medical bills, some lost wages and other benefits.
It doesn’t pay, though, for less-measurable losses, such as pain and suffering. With some exceptions, you also typically can’t sue outside of the workers’ comp system. We’ll advise you about filing for benefits and other help you may be able to get.
WORKERS’ COMPWho Qualifies?
Employees who are injured in workplace accidents or who become ill due to their jobs can apply for workers’ comp. There are some exceptions to exactly who qualifies. For example, domestic workers, some farm and agricultural workers and independent contractors aren’t usually eligible. Most employees of companies with three or more workers qualify. But there are cases where companies misclassify workers as independent contractors in an attempt to avoid paying benefits. If you believe you were misclassified, we can investigate and work to get you benefits.
Types of Benefits?
Workers’ comp benefits include payment of medical costs for work-related injuries or illnesses. In some cases, attendant care may be ordered by doctors when injured workers need help with basic activities of daily life. Mileage reimbursement to and from medical appointments may be covered. Wage-replacement benefits are paid at two-thirds of a person’s average weekly salary. In cases where workers can’t return to their former jobs, vocational training benefits might be provided.

If you were hurt in an accident caused by negligence, you have the right to bring a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. In a successful claim, you could get compensation for your doctor bills, lost time at work, pain and suffering and other damages.
Liable parties in personal injury claims can include motor vehicle drivers, product manufacturers, property owners and others whose careless or dangerous behavior causes injury accidents. Once we accept your case, we’ll work hard to prove liability.
Car crashes and other motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common reasons for personal injury claims. Distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding and other careless and dangerous behaviors behind the wheel cause over 100,000 injuries and more than 1,000 deaths annually in the state, North Carolina Department of Transportation statistics show. It’s wise to speak with an attorney right away after an injury car accident to help ensure that your interests are protected.
Work Injuries
In some work injury cases, injured employees can file personal injury claims in addition to getting workers’ compensation. If a third party who was not your direct employer contributed to the accident that caused your injury, you may be able to get compensation from that party. Third parties could include a contractor at a worksite whose negligence caused an accident, a manufacturer whose defective tool or other equipment caused an injury, or even another driver who caused a crash while you were driving on work-related business.

If you’ve tragically lost a loved one in a negligent accident or through the wrongful actions of another person, you may be able to get compensation through a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death claims are civil actions to compensate survivors for their family member’s loss. They can be filed even if criminal charges are also being brought against the responsible person.
In North Carolina, the personal representative of the person who died brings the claim on behalf of surviving family members and the estate.
WRONGFUL DEATHDamages in Claims
There are a variety of damages that can be recovered in wrongful death claims. They include payment for medical expenses and funeral and burial costs. Compensation for the person’s pain and suffering before death can be pursued, as well as lost income if the person was a financial provider. When a close family member dies, you lose the love, companionship and support they gave you. These types of losses can also be sought in a wrongful death claim. If a party’s actions in causing the death were particularly bad, punitive damages may be pursued. Punitive damages are meant to punish at-fault parties and stop similar behavior in the future.