Monroe Workers’ Comp Lawyers

Monroe, NC, workers’ comp Attorneys

Throughout our decades of handling workers’ comp claims, we’ve leveraged many techniques to help our clients. Our Monroe, NC, workers’ compensation attorneys understand that each case has its own nuances and facts. We know that using a one-size-fits-all technique to handle workers’ compensation isn’t the best way to give our clients the highest level of service.

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Monroe Workers’ Comp Lawyers

What To Do If You’re Injured Working at FedEx

You may have just been hurt on the job, and now you’re not sure what options are available to you for compensation. If you want to know what t[...]

Why choose us?

When you get injured on the job in North Carolina, it can seem like there’s no shortage of law firms eager to assist. So why should you work with our team? The answer comes down to our expertise, diligence, and exacting attention to detail.

Mark Sumwalt has spent decades practicing workers’ compensation law with an eye on improving victims’ outlooks. With a track record that includes successfully litigating hundreds of cases and filing numerous appeals, he’s no stranger to what’s involved in fighting for your rights – and your chance at a brighter future.

Richard Anderson has also earned a well-deserved reputation as a fierce advocate for those who’ve been wronged on the job. For decades, he’s worked to represent victims in seemingly hopeless circumstances and push the legal field forward on behalf of the injured.

Together, Sumwalt and Anderson have tried many successful cases before the North Carolina trial and appellate court systems, as well as the Industrial Commission. In the process, they’ve won results that have actually prompted changes to existing laws, proving that the cases they take on aren’t just about helping individuals but rather improving the odds for North Carolinians from all walks of life.

Some highlights of our achievements as worker’s comp lawyers in Monroe include recovering more than $5.2 million on behalf of a worker who sustained severe burns in a workplace explosion and a $2.7 million settlement for a worker who became paraplegic after a bad fall fractured their spine. Although it’s impossible to predict how your case might play out, we’re confident that our knowledge and compassionate guidance can help you achieve a better outlook and pick up life where you left off before your injury.

How Our Monroe, NC, Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Can Help With Your Case

Do you fit the definition of an employee? Our Monroe, NC, workers’ compensation attorneys can help you gain vital clarity.

Not every case that seems like it ought to fall under workers’ comp law is straightforward. In some cases, your employer may try to deny your claim by saying you aren’t technically an employee. If you’re a minor, an undocumented worker, or an independent contractor when your injury occurs, your status can greatly complicate the claim filing process.

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act (NCGS §97-19) defines how workers’ compensation insurance operates for contractors, subcontractors, and similar types of workers. No matter what kind of professional you are, our Monroe workers’ comp lawyers are ready to defend your rights when your employment status is in question.

We know how to dig into the facts of your unique case. We’ll work to show why you deserve workers’ compensation insurance payments to offset your medical bills and lost wages.

Sumwalt Anderson can help when your employer accuses you of negligence

Employers may try to shift the blame by claiming their injured workers were negligent. Regardless of whether it’s true, they might say you came to work intoxicated before your accident. This adds insult to injury by potentially compromising your reputation and future employment opportunities.

The North Carolina, Workers’ Compensation Act (NCGS §97-12) lays out clear rules regarding intoxicated employees who suffer work-related injuries, but you still have options. You don’t have to accept this accusation if it is being unfairly made.

Our Monroe workers’ comp lawyers can help unearth facts proving you didn’t have alcohol or drugs in your system at the time of the accident. We’ll attempt to show that you weren’t behaving in a manner that might bar your claim and that your workplace mishap was just that – an accident you couldn’t prevent.

Additionally, workplace injuries are not limited to those caused by exposure to chemicals, handling heavy machinery, or slip and falls. They also include car accidents and motorcycle accidents. If your job requires you to drive a car or ride a motorcycle and you suffer an accident, you may be eligible to file for both workers’ compensation and personal injury claims.

In such cases, our car accident lawyers and motorcycle accident attorneys in Monroe are ready to stand by your side and fight for your rights.

We’ll fight to help you recover from workplace brain and spinal injuries

All injuries carry side effects, but some are significantly more extensive than others. Injuries that impact parts of your central nervous system (CNS), such as your spine and brain, can wreak havoc on nearly every aspect of your life.

The fallout of a workplace CNS injury goes beyond simple pain. From making it impossible to focus to negatively influencing your moods, perception, and personality, these kinds of harm can not only make it difficult to handle your daily affairs but also compromise your chances of returning to work.

What’s more, spinal injury victims commonly incur astronomically high medical bills. The same goes for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) such as concussions, even if they don’t seem to present any visible signs. Finding a Monroe, NC, worker’s compensation lawyer who understands what you’re going through – and knows the struggles you’ll face in the days and years to come – is integral to your ability to bounce back.

Let our workers’ comp lawyers in Monroe, NC, guide you through the claims process.

Nobody wants to file a workers’ comp claim: It’s the last resort when all else fails.

Being injured at work causes untold stress for victims. In addition to dealing with pain and medical bills, being unable to work means your daily expenses can pile up faster than you might have thought possible.

We firmly believe that workers’ compensation should help you cover these expenses and gain closure. To win a claim, however, you’ll need to adhere to a strictly defined procedure, including filing all of the appropriate documentation and meeting inflexible deadlines. If you don’t, your claim might be denied on a technicality, even if you were in the right.

If your initial claim is denied, we’re ready and willing to file an appeal with the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC). The NCIC appeals process can be a drawn-out ordeal that often involves multiple meetings, hearings, and the use of various strategies to prove your case.

You’ve already been through more than enough. We’ll handle the legal heavy lifting so that you can stay focused on your recovery.

What kind of compensation could I potentially receive?

Every case is unique. Our Monroe, NC, workers’ compensation attorney team will assess your case to help you pursue the most appropriate resolution, such as:

  • Wage loss benefits that might pay a percentage of the income you had to sacrifice while you were unable to work
  • Compensation for medical costs, such as general care appointments, surgery, prescription medications, therapy equipment, and deductible-free ongoing treatments
  • Permanent injury benefits to offset the costs of living with a disability
  • Expenses you incur as a result of needing daily care or living assistance.

Our goal as dedicated Monroe, NC, worker’s compensation lawyers is to help you navigate the confusing processes involved in fighting for what you’re owed – no matter how long it takes. Whether this means proving that you’re permanently disabled or demonstrating just how your injury is connected to your prescription costs, we explore every possible avenue to establish the facts of your claim and minimize your suffering going forward.

Wrongful Death Compensation

Wrongful death occurs when an individual loses their life due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of another party. In this case, it could involve operating a vehicle under the influence, distracted driving, speeding, or other forms of negligent driving behavior. When such tragic events happen, the surviving family members may have the right to seek compensation for their loss with the help of a Monroe wrongful death lawyer, including economic and non-economic damages.


Recovered on behalf of a young woman who sustained a catastrophic brain injury as the result of an automobile collision with a large commercial vehicle. Learn More.


Recovered on behalf of a young woman who sustained catastrophic injuries when she was involved in an automobile accident involving a tractor-trailer truck while she was on the job. Learn More


Recovered on behalf of the gentlemen (plaintiff/client) who was injured when a mislabeled stack of batteries exploded causing significant burns on his entire body. Learn More


Recovered on behalf of a husband and wife who sustained serious injuries in a rollover accident in New Mexico. Learn More


Recovered for a married construction worker who suffered a catastrophic spinal injury due to a crush injury caused by cargo falling from an 18-wheeler. Learn More


Recovered following the death of a young man from Charlotte, NC caused by a rear-ended collision with a tractor trailer that was parked in a travel lane of 1-40 without any lights on. Learn More

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Charlotte NC Law Firm

Talk to a Monroe, NC, workers’ comp lawyer at Sumwalt Anderson today

Life can seem utterly overwhelming for workplace injury survivors. As much as state law tries to protect victims, the claims process doesn’t make things any easier.

Don’t give up – you have a faithful ally in us. We’ll stick by your side to guide you through every step in the pursuit of what you deserve. Call us today at 704-377-3770 for a free consultation.